Local transportation
Taxis licensed in Padova are white and bear the sign “TAXI” on their roofs. The license number is shown inside the car on the back left door.
ATTENTION: Any other vehicle waiting at the airport exit could be driven by unauthorized persons and the fare could be higher.
Phone: +39 049 651333
SMS: +39 338 8442000
Public transportation
You can easily get around Padova and visit the city by bus, by taxi and on foot. If you plan to stay for a few days, we suggest you to buy the weekly pass.
For any further information, please visit: www.fsbusitaliaveneto.it
Bus and subway
Padova has several bus routes covering most of the city and its suburbs. A single ticket costs euro 2 and it is valid for 75 minutes after validation.
For an overview of all the buses lines, please visit: www.fsbusitaliaveneto.it/images/nuovamappa2019/Urbana.pdf
Buses run from around 6.00 a.m. to 9.00p.m., depending on the line. Tickets can be bought at all railway stations, as well as at the authorized sales points (newsagents, coffee bars and tobacconists).
For further information on tickets, offers and fares: www.fsbusitaliaveneto.it